
Service Level Agreement

Support SLA

There are three means of support; telephone, electronic and onsite. Telephone support covers fixed landline and mobile access to the Service Provider support and help-desk. Electronic support covers both support request through email and online remote support during and after business hours as well as emergency.

Onsite support provides during, after business hours, emergency support and Sales Account/Technical Representative presents. Table 1 shows the coverage for each support item and their availability time.

The Service Provider is to absorb all necessary troubleshooting options through online remote support unless onsite support is necessary. Onsite support will be attended based on qualified and certified engineer availability but within the stipulated response and resolution time. All services qualifying under these conditions, as well as services that fall outside this scope will fall under the provisions of Appendix B.

Hardware costs of any kind are not covered under the terms of this Agreement.


Support TypeSupport ItemAvailability (GMT +8)DescriptionContact Info
TelephoneLandline Support0830 – 1730 Monday – FridayTelephone Based Technical SupportTel: +603 78902810 Press 2 for Support
Emergency Mobile Support24/7/365Call & Mobile SMS016-2622418(Ops Manager)
016-2622409 (Gen Manager)
ElectronicMail Support0830 – 1730 Monday – SaturdayWeb-based Technical Support, Helpdesk Ticketing System and Chat
Remote Support0830 – 1730 Monday – Friday except Public Holiday and Microdium NOC scheduled maintenanceRemote monitoring and managing client
After-hours Remote Support


Monday – Saturday

After-hours remote support on business days upon requirement

Emergency Remote Support


Monday – Friday

0001 – 2359

Saturday, Sunday, Public Holiday

Emergency support 24/7 upon requirement

OnsiteOnsite Support0800 – 1700 Monday – Friday

1. Preventive Maintenance

2. Onsite support visit upon requirement As per Schedule A

3. Notice & Service Request Form to be fax or email in at prior 3 hours if service exceed 10 times and chargeable amount will be imposed. (refer table additional request)

Tel: +603 78902810
Press 2 for SupportFax: 03-90782504

After-hours Onsite Support


Monday – Friday

1. After-hours support on business days upon requirement

2. Notice & Service request form to be fax or email in at prior 3 hours and chargeable amount will be imposed. (refer table additional request)


Fax: 03-90782504

Emergency Onsite Support


Monday – Friday

0001 – 2359

Saturday, Sunday, Public Holiday

1. Emergency support 24/7 upon requirement

2. Chargeable amount will be imposed after recover disaster status. (Critical dependency)


Sales Account/Technical Representative0830 – 1730 Monday – SaturdayOnsite Customer event planning assistance, delivery and consultancy worksTel: +603 78902810 Press 2

Table 1: Support Coverage


Service request outside office hours

(Monday to Friday)

RM 200 per hour with minimum 2 Hours
Service request or emergency overtime on Saturday or Sunday or gazette public holidayRM 400 per hour with minimum 2 Hours

Table: Additional Service Request

Service outside Normal Working Hours

After-hours services are performed at the hours of 5:31pm – 9:00pm Monday through Friday, excluding public holidays. Emergency services are performed after the after-hours support from 9:01pm – 7:59am Monday – Friday, and whole day Saturday and Sunday.

Service Calls Where No Trouble is found

If the Client requests onsite service and no problem is found or reproduced, the Client shall be billed at the current applicable rates as indicated in Appendix B.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall the Service Provider be held liable for indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of service provided hereunder, including but not limited to loss of profits or revenue, loss of use of equipment, lost data, costs of substitute equipment, or other costs.

Response and Resolution Time

The following table shows the targets of response and resolution times for each priority level:

Support Tiers and Escalation

The Service Provider will respond to the Client’s Trouble Tickets under the provisions of Appendix A, and with best effort after-hours or on holidays. Trouble Tickets must be opened by Client’s designated I.T. Contact Person, by email to our Help Desk, or by phone if email is unavailable. Each call will be assigned a Trouble Ticket number for tracking. Our support tiers and escalation process and workflow is detailed as per table 3 and Appendix A below.

Support TierDescription
Tier 1 SupportAll support incidents begin in Tier 1, where the initial trouble ticket is created, the issue is identified and clearly documented, and basic hardware/software troubleshooting is initiated remotely.

Tier 2 Support

All support incidents that cannot be resolved with Tier 1 Support are escalated to Tier 2, where more complex support on hardware/software issues can be provided by more experienced Engineers remotely and merely onsite.

Tier 3 Support

Support Incidents that cannot be resolved by Tier 2 Support are escalated to Tier 3, where onsite support is provided by the most qualified and experienced Engineers who have the ability to collaborate with 3rd Party (Vendor) Support Engineers to resolve the most complex issues.

Table 3: Support Tiers